The use of sodium lignosulfonate as a dust suppressant

Sodium lignosulfonate has several applications as a dust suppressant in various industries:

  1. Mining and Mineral Processing:
    • Sodium lignosulfonate is used as a dust suppressant in mining operations, such as coal mines and mineral processing facilities.
    • It is sprayed on exposed surfaces and roads to bind fine particulate matter and prevent dust generation.
    • This helps improve air quality, reduce dust-related health hazards, and enhance visibility and safety in mining environments.
  2. Mechanism of Action
    • It works by binding fine soil particles together through its hydrophilic and adhesive properties. This makes dust particles heavier and less prone to becoming airborne.
  3. Construction and Demolition:
    • Sodium lignosulfonate is utilized as a dust control agent on construction sites, unpaved roads, and during demolition activities.
    • It is applied to exposed soil, gravel, or crushed stone surfaces to bind the fine particles and suppress airborne dust.
    • This helps mitigate dust pollution and reduce the impact on nearby communities during construction and demolition projects.
  4. Applications
    • Commonly used for dust control on unpaved roads, material storage piles, construction sites, mining areas, landfills etc.
  5. Agriculture and Forestry:
    • In agricultural settings, sodium lignosulfonate is used to control dust on unpaved farm roads and rural pathways.
    • It is also applied to stockpiles of agricultural products, such as grains and fertilizers, to prevent dust generation during storage and handling.
    • In forestry operations, it can be used to suppress dust on logging roads and during the transport of wood chips or other forestry products.
  6. Formulation
    • Usually applied as an aqueous solution/spraycontaining 5-20% lignosulfonate concentration. Sometimes calcium or magnesium salts are also added.
  7. Coverage
    • Light applications are sufficient, typically 100-300 gals of solution per acre provides 2-6 months of effectiveness.
  8. Benefits
    • Environmental friendly, non-toxic, biodegradable. Binds particles without forming crust. Effective in various soils and weather conditions.
  9. Drawbacks
    • May need reapplication after rains. Tracking of mud can occur. Cleanup required if overapplied.
  10. Equipment
    • Standard spraying trucks, water trucks fitted with spray nozzles or sprinklers are used for uniform application.
  11. Transportation and Storage:
    • Sodium lignosulfonate is used as a dust suppressant on unpaved roads, storage piles, and loading/unloading areas in transportation and logistics operations.
    • This helps maintain visibility, prevent equipment damage, and reduce the spread of fine particulate matter.